Photo by Dan Ochiva
“This was my 25th NAB. With these many shows behind you, it’s hard to get over that seen this, done that feeling….Turns out that the International Academy of Web TV was having an awards show. All of these folks had been nominated for their Internet shows, in different categories such as Best Dramatic Series, Best Ensemble Performance, or Best Animated Series….I had stumbled across one of the real reasons why we – the reporters, the companies, the 100,000 some attendees – were there. NAB wasn’t just about the technology or business plans.
Nope. I started to think that the real reason we came out to this desert dog-and-pony madness was right in front of me. We were here to help honor creativity as exemplified by those in front of me.
Everyone in this room, it seemed, shared a palpable enthusiasm for the industry I had grown weary of.
So this is why I’ve posted these photos. It’s important to be reminded that no matter how much we might go on and on about technology and business deals in these pages, in the end we are all really concerned about serving creativity.”
“Read the complete article here: